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Hailing from the Windy City, the pop-rock duo Caleido was created in the spring of 2019 by Callie Craig, a Chicagoland native and self-taught vocalist and instrumentalist, and Orkidea Bajrami, a Chicago transplant by way of Kosovo whose childhood endeavors in classical performance led her to pursue her own music. After crossing paths and becoming fast friends at their undergraduate institution, the two bonded over their similar childhood experiences in music and began drafting their own songs together. Throughout that inaugural summer, Craig and Bajrami each educated the other about the artists that inspired them, often taking impromptu excursions across state lines to see the performers in concert, dubbed ‘Caleido Field Trips’ somewhere along the way. These trips not only served as musical influence and edification for the pair, but ultimately became a source of inspiration for their early writing. 

Recording their first EP from the confines of an 8x8 foot storage closet in their Chicago apartment, the duo’s determination and moxie encapsulates their inextinguishable energy.